Copyright and Licensing

An Important part of Pool:

Is the capacity for its members to share their work for others to reuse, repurpose and remix, all of which is made possible by Creative Commons,

a set of licenses that enable contributors to choose which rights they wish to retain, while encouraging sharing, exposure and distribution.

The emphasis that Pool puts on copyright encourages users to think carefully about their rights, and not just allowing other people to make the important decisions for them.

Pool tries to make it really clear wht kind of license the work uploaded there has, so that it is easy to identify what you can & cannot legally do with the works.

According to a case study carried out by Creative Commons, “Since the release of the second version of Pool, all the Creative Commons licences and “All Rights Reserved” were offered to contributors. The site maintains a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivative 2.5 Australian licence default licence.”


“ABC Pool aims to widen the scope of creator and consumer experience, create new audiences, uncover opportunities and encourage innovative and enriching teaching and learning processes. Creative Commons licences offer a clear path towards facilitating these goals. Media co-creation and sharing has been a founding concept for the project, leading the Pool team to choose Creative Commons as the licensing system that could best enable such interaction, while allowing contributors to retain creative control over their works.

…Creative Commons have assisted the Pool team in presenting alternative public licensing solutions to the broadcasting organisation.

…Pool collaborated successfully with Creative Commons Australia to trial open-content licensing models to the greater ABC collective. Not having to internally generate ABC-specific licences conserved project resources and provided Pool with an external licensing model with which to demonstrate the capabilities and benefits of open-content licensing to the ABC. The Pool trial has confirmed the community’s interest in ‘some rights reserved’ licensing and demonstrated the importance of promoting educated uses of CC licences on the site to ensure a wider uptake in the future of the project.”


Today, there are 3 main types of copyright on Pool:

1. All Rights Reserved

2. Public Domain (default setting)

3. Creative Commons

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