
The people behind Pool do a number of things to motivate contributors to create content and upload them to the site to share with the community.

They organise production advice & provide resources to their users in order to further encourage learning and improve the quality of content/contributions produced.

Pool is a good place for creative content producers to get exposure and build a profile or show reel: become ‘visible

It’s a good opportunity for networking within the ABC and the media industry. There are lots of people on Pool who come from many different aspects of the media industry, including animators, artists, photographers, musicians and many more.

Pool really tries to foster that “community” aspect of it; it encourages users to ‘share’ community events:

There is also that opportunity for a ‘promotion’ or nomination to become a community editor/super user if one is actively involved with the Pool community and contributes quality material and constructive criticism.

While the ABC are not actively seeking employees within the Pool community, there is that chance and possibility of getting employed by the corporation. Standout contributors get a lot of buzz within the Pool team and if they’re really good, other people from the ABC will get word of it eventually.

Being associated with the ABC, Pool is able to provide its users with a ‘trusted brand’ in a non-commercial & ad-free context.

The ABC = public media = certain freedoms but also certain constraints

For example, they don’t & can’t make money, which can be a good thing + a limitation all at the same time.

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